Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey & Design Tools

Published by NMHDA, authored by Pushpa Chitrakar

NMHDA has been successful in publishing useful books/manual/CDs for development of micro hydro sector. The manual for MHP Operation for operators and Construction and Installation Manual have been published by NMHDA with support of AEPC/ESAP and AEPC/RE-Source.

Micro/Mini Hydro Survey & Design Tools (book and CD) authored by Mr. Pushpa Chitrakar, hydropower specialist was published by NMHDA was a useful book for design of micro and mini hydropower projects.

The MHP Design Aids authored by Mr. Pushpa Chitrakar was published by GTZ (now GIZ) in 2006. The book was established as a ‘must’ instrument in designing of micro and mini hydropower projects in Nepal and other countries. The designing engineers and technicians find this design aids as a tool to produce desired design of MHPs in standard and uniformed format. By applicating the MHP Design Aids the designing engineers and technicians receive well processed results produced by data input on various requirements. This has been used for almost 100% mhps designed following to its brining out in 2006.

In an interval of six years, the author, applicators and concerned authorities feel requirement of updating it as changes in materials, procedures and policies have been changed to some or considerable extent. Therefore, interactions have been deemed necessary to carry out for receiving opinions and feedbacks from the stakeholders, publish the updated book and soft copies and organize training programmes to impart skill and knowledge to use the MHP Survey & Design Tools more effectively.

Furthermore, AEPC has streamlined the National Rural and Renewable Energy Programme (NRREP) with funding of various donors and suppers like World Bank, ADB, DANIDA, Government of Norway, Sweden and GIZ/Nepal and some others for 5 years with effective from 16 July, 2012 with aims to boost up renewable energy promotion activities including installation of 25 Mega Watt capacity micro and mini hydropower projects within that period. Thus, the MHP Survey & Design Tools authored by Mr. Pushpa Chitrakar has been expected to be widely applicated by the micro and mini hydropower professional in designing the projects. Further, keeping in view more effective use of the Survey & Design Tools and requirement of changes in influential aspects, it has been considered to revision on its contents. Thus, NMHDA and Mr. Chitrakar agreed to work jointly to update the MHP Design Aids which was published earlier.      

Since its publication, the hard copies of the manuals are all used up.  Moreover, there have been some major policy shifts in AEPC/NRREP. There is also a dire need for these tools to be made for bigger hydropower design as well. Designers in district headquarters have also been requesting trainings on the design aids.

Mr. Pushpa Chitrakar, expert in software development for engineering design (surveying, gravity water supply and hydropower) and financial analyses of hydropower projects widely used internationally is presently working for all sizes of hydropower projects within and outside Nepal. He is, currently, working at Hydro-Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (Nepal), Katahira Engineers International/JIC (Afghanistan), Winrock International (Liberia) and some other organizations as part time consultancies in Nepal’s hydropower sector. The author’s tenure in Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP/GTZ) was appreciated for his contribution in developing Energy Sector Assistance Programme of Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC/Government of Nepal) hydropower guidelines, on-the-job trainings and off-the-job workshops to numerous stakeholders and design of valuable design tools such as “Micro-Hydropower Design Aids” which was officially recommended for use by AEPC for its subsidized micro hydropower projects up to 100 kW. The Design Aids were prepared based on the mandatory guidelines set by AEPC and have spreadsheets from hydrology, civil, mechanical and electrical designs to financial analyses in the widely used “Mini Hydropower Design Aids” which was published in 2006.

Nepal Micro Hydropower Development Association, established in December 1992, the umbrella organization of privately run turbine, machine and accessories manufacturers, surveyors, designers, installers devoted to the development of the nation by availing energy to the people of remote locations and rural areas is ready to support to Mr. Chitrakar’s endeavour and intends to work jointly in regards to publish out the proposed book and avail the soft copies of already published book on the said subject authored by Mr. Chitrakar. Thus, NMHDA had taken the responsibilities of management and organization of fund and functions for both tasks keeping in view that these products will help NMHDA members, MH technical personnel, officials, institutions and entrepreneurs in a great deal. It will, thus, ultimately benefit to the sector as a whole to work conveniently for better results which has been one of the objectives of the leading institutions actively working to utilize all types of renewable energy resources in the country.

NMHDA, in the past, has been successful to organize training programmes with support of ITDG, AEPC, REDP, US Aid SARI Energy and so on to produce skilled and semi-skilled manpower for the efficient performance and better results in micro hydropower development field. The association also has been publishing out Jalashakti (the Micro Hydro magazine) with insertion of relevant and useful information in it regularly since one and a half decade.

Thus, publishing of the book on MHP Survey & Design is considered to be an important task for NMHDA as a step ahead to attain the objectives and to support other institutions which look forward to similar target to obtain as well. Publication of Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey & Design Tools is one milestone to enhance Nepal’s hydropower sector. The book is also to be used in other countries as theories and formulae formulated to be used any place and any where micro or mini hydropower is possible.